Kumari Palany & Co

CBSE examination format to be revised in the next academic year

Posted on: 12/Mar/2019 1:46:08 PM
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced that there would be remission in the examination format from 9th Standard to +2 classes. It may be noted that CBSE carries out periodical changes in the academic system. Accordingly, it has announced that there would be revisions carried out in the academic skill assessment system. A report released by CBSE in this regard mentions:

On a scale of national level measurement of academic quality, the students from CBSE have scored higher as compared to the national average. In this survey, the CBSE students have scored more than 50% in the subjects of Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and English.

In his situation, a revision has been carried out in the internal assessment procedure from 9th Standard up to +2. The Examination Regulatory Board of CBSE has announced that this would be effective from the next academic year.

According to this revision, along with the theory and practical examinations n subjects, the students will be given marks on the performance in new formats such as quiz and direct question-answer session. In the multiple choice category of questions, a total of 20 marks will be allotted. Further, there would be a reduction in the total number of questions and 60 marks will be allotted for short questions. However, the answers must be well-thought-out and in full detail to get full marks.

For the +1 and +2 classes, there would be a maximum of 80 marks on the question papers for Mathematics, Politics, Science, and Law Education,

In the written examinations, the question papers of 70 marks will be 2 hours’ duration. The other examinations will be of 3-hours’ duration.

Multiple choice questions will constitute 25% of the question paper. The balance 75% of questions will have to answer in details. However, the number of questions in this category will be reduced. The students need to answer these questions in detail.