Kumari Palany & Co

Open Book Exams for CBSE

Posted on: 18/Mar/2013 10:26:10 AM
In a bid to reduce stress among school students and to encourage concept based learning rather than rote learning, the Union Human Resource Development Ministry announced that they would introduce ‘open book’ examinations in March 2014.

In a letter to the Lok Sabha, Union Human Resources Development Minister Shashi Tharoor said that the examination will be part of the SA II (Summative Assessment II) of the CBSE. The SA II carries 30% of the overall score of a student. He said that the concept will be introduced for Std. IX and X students. The Std. XI and XII students will have a section that requires referring to the book for case studies. ‘The question paper will have a separate section named ‘case study section’ which will have a set of questions based on the case studies related to the subject’, Mr. Tharoor said.