Kumari Palany & Co

Signal installation work on the new rack - change in train services

Posted on: 04/Apr/2019 12:08:20 PM
As the signal installation work is being taken up in the new track being laid in section Arakonam-Thakkolam, some changes have been carried out in the electric train and passenger train services.

The signal installation and related engineering world are scheduled to be carried out from 5th April to 14th April. So, 10 services in the segment Vellore-Arakonam (56014), Arakonam-Vellore (45013) passenger trains are cancelled from 5th April to 14th April.

4 services each are being cancelled in the segment Chennai Central-Arakonam (56001), Arakonam-Chennai Central (56002) are cancelled from 5th April to 14th April.

A single service each in the segment Arakonam-Katpadi (56007), Katpadi-Arakonam (56008), Arakonam-Vellore (56009), Vellore-Arakonam (56010), Arakonam-Cudappah (56011), Cudappah-Arakonam (450112) are being cancelled on 14th April.

4 services each in the segment Chennai Moore Market-Tirupathi (600047), and Tirupathi-Chennai Moore Market (600048) are cancelled from 11th April to 14th April.

A single service each in the segment Vellore-Chennai Beach (660018), Chennai Beach-Vellore (550017), Moore Market-Arkonam (660015), Arakonam-Tirupathi (660039), Tirupathi-Nellore (660033), Nellore-Sulurpetai (660036), Sulurpettai-Moore Market (660038), Moore market-Sulurpettai (660035), Sulurpettai-Nellore (660037), Nellore-Tirupathi (66-034), Tirupathi-Arkonam (660040), Arakonam-Morre Market (660014), Moore Market-Arakonam (660021), and Arakonam-Tirupathi (660049) is cancelled on 14th April.

A section of the segment Arakonam-Bengaluru (56261), Katpadi-Arakonam (56008), Chingleput-Arakonam (56004), Puducherry-Tirupathi (56042), Tirupathi-Puducherry (56041), Arkonam-Salem (660019), Salem-Arakonam (660020) of 14 passenger trains are cancelled from 11th April to 14th April.

The above news is released as a report from Southern Railway.