Kumari Palany & Co

EFT Intensive - Experience Light Within

Posted on: 08/Apr/2019 5:24:14 PM
*In two days learn probably the most powerful technique in the history of mental and emotional health - Emotional Freedom Techniques

*Often works to dissolve many traumas and negative emotions sometimes in the timescale of minutes

*Use it straight after the workshop on yourself, friends and family

*Start today dissolving your past hurts and your blocks and experience the real possibilities for your freedom.

What is EFT?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) - sometimes known as "Tapping" - is a simple, yet powerful tool to help you release disempowering beliefs and emotions. Combining Chinese medicinal practices, EFT is a groundbreaking tool for positive, life-affirming and long-lasting emotional change.

It can be used therapeutically and for deep transformational work or used even whilst on the move to release stress and other negative emotions.

EFT can help just about anyone to achieve genuine freedom from the emotions that have created problems in their lives. These techniques have been described by some as one of the most important breakthroughs in the area of psychology in this century. They have been used successfully with thousands of people with a broad range of difficulties.

When using EFT, shifts are often experienced in minutes, its results are usually long lasting, and any side effects are almost always positive. Some areas it works well with are:

  • Stress, fears, and anxiety

  • Anger management and resolution

  • Chronic physical issues

  • Relationship challenges

  • Emotional and mental issues

  • Spiritual growth

  • Trauma

  • Cancer

  • Sports and performance psychology

  • Blocks to abundance

What is Covered?

  • Stress, fears, and anxiety

  • What is EFT and why are people so excited by it?

  • How is it able to release past upsets and traumas so easily?

  • Find out the real cause of negative feelings and emotions

  • Find out how we can block ourselves completely in any area of life, how that can prevent any healing modality working (including conventional medical treatment), and what you can do about it.

  • Find out why there is an unconscious limit on how much you can earn - and how you can increase it.

  • Find how EFT can treat large numbers of related traumas usually without addressing each one separately.

  • Learn the full EFT treatment procedure

  • Clear one or more negative past events during the workshop

  • Learn how to administer EFT treatment on someone else - your family and friends will be delighted!

  • Learn how to clear intense traumas without even going near them

  • Learn a way to use EFT over time to give you peace of mind and freedom from your past.

  • Find out how to treat very heavy emotional intensity.

  • Find out the real reason for addictions and cravings, and how to let them go (feel free to bring along something you are addicted to - inanimate objects only please!)


G Ruthara
EFT Certified Advanced Practitioner and Trainer 
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner 
ThetaHealing® ® Instructor 

Contact Us:

Email: gruthara@gmail.com 

Mobile USA: +1 650-460-0373 Mobile India: +91 98410 24052 

Website: www.heal.services    www.mindpowermatrix.com   
www.facebook.com/Holistic.Innovation EFT Intensive - Experience Light Within

Duration: 2 days - 20th & 21st April - 8.00 am to 4.00 pm 

Pricing: Rs.7500 Including Course Materials, Tea, and Lunch) 

Venue: 305, Manickam Avenue, T.T.K Road, Chennai - 600 018

For Registration Call 98410 24052