The Tamil Nadu Chief Election Officer Stay Rad Sahu informed that 91000 police at set to be deployed for the election. He informed that all arrangements have been carried out to ensure a smooth and trouble-free and safe election. An arrangement for all the workers deployed in election activities to cast their votes by post has been made. In case there are any left out, they would be given at the end of their training session.
So far, 57000 have done the postal voting. 63951 police are to be deployed during the election for the security and safety of the polling booths and the vehicles carrying equipment for the voting.
A further 28408 police staff will be kept on the ‘alert and ready’ mode. The other police will be on checking rounds on duty. The Election Commission has approved to send 14400 army staff to Tamil Nadu. This army personnel will be deployed in some of the tense polling booths, and the areas where there are higher levels of public movements.
Apart from this, 14000 National Welfare Plan Students, 13885 rural police force (Oorkkaaval padai), 20000 ex-military personnel, and 2500 retired police will all be deployed during the election.
1576 complaints have been received so far on violations of election rules and regulations. Out of this, cases have been registered on 86 complaints. 1954 complaints have been received through ‘C Vigil’ Mobile App. Action has been initiated on 834 complaints.
1083 complaints have been left out. Another 36 complaints are pending.
In the checking routine conducted by the flying squad and the other inspection squad, Rs. 8.62 Crores in cash have been taken day-before-yesterday (Monday, 8th April).So far, Rs. 182 Crores have been taken. This amount includes the checking by the Income Tax Department as well.
Apart from this, 912 kg gold and 482 kg silver items have also been confiscated. The total value is Rs. 230.40 Crores. Besides, alcoholic drinks worth Rs. 33.72 lakhs, drug items worth Rs. 26.79 Lakhs, and items such as laptops, cookers, and saris worth Rs. 7.54 Crores have been confiscated.