It has been generally observed and complained that people of all age groups including children and elders making use of the Tik Tok App and releasing some unwanted video-clips.
This affects society to a great extent, especially, the school children and college students.
In this situation, petitions regarding this complained were filed at the Madurai Branch High Court and the Supreme Court. When this came up for enquiry, the panel of judges immediately ordered the removal of Tik Tok App from the Google Play Store.
ON this basis, Google has now removed the Tik Tok App from the Google Play Store. This has been hugely welcomed by all sections of people. This is because, recently, most cellphone users in the world use Android Mobile.
Further, as there are many unwanted Apps in Android, the future of the youngsters has been use to a severe test.
In this scenario, it is worth recalling that Google had recently removed thousands of unwanted Apps from its Play Store!