Kumari Palany & Co

4442 vacant India Post Office: Deadline for application extended

Posted on: 20/Apr/2019 12:12:22 PM
It had been announced earlier that the last day for applying for the 4442 posts to be filled in the Tamil Nadu Circle of India Post was 15th April. Now, the deadline for application has been extended till 28th April.

An announcement has been released regarding the recruitment in India Post for filling up the vacant 4442 posts in Tamil Nadu Post including Branch Officer, Assistant Branch Officer, etc.

It had been announced that the applicants must have passed 10th Standard and applications can be sent online before 15th April.

In this scenario, the applicants complained that the computer server for the India Post network had stopped operating from 28th March and this has prevented sending applications.

Meanwhile, this being the election time as well, no actions were undertaken to restore the server functioning. This news was shared in the social networking media and the daily newspapers.

There were further demands to restore the server and to extend the details for application. These demands were considered and the deadline has been extended until 28th April.

Total vacancies: 4442

Place of work: Tamil Nadu

Details of Posts and Vacancies

Post: Branch Postmaster (BPM)

Monthly Salary: Rs. 12,000 - 29,380

Post: Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM)

Monthly Salary: Rs. 10,000 - 24,470

Post: Dak Sevak

Monthly Salary: Rs. 10,000 - 24,470

Age Limit: Candidates must be in the age group 20-40 as on 15th March.

Academic Qualification: Candidates with a pass in 10th Standard or +2. They should be conversant in the local language.

Application Procedure: Visit website: http://appost.in/gdsonline. Apply online.

For further information: www.tamilnadupost.nic.in https://images.dinamani.com/uploads/user/resources/pdf/2019/3/12/Tamilnadu-19-1.pdf

Last date for online application: 28th April 2019