According to reports from the Regional Meteorological Centre in Chennai city, it is forecasted that a few regions in Tamil Nadu are likely to receive light to medium showers with thunderstorms in the following few days. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, it is likely that there will be moderate range of rain showers in a few isolated Tamil Nadu regions. Today, the Tuesday, it is expected that there will be gusty winds in a few isolated regions of TN at speed of 40-50 kmph.
India Meteorological Department (IMD) reports say along Equatorial Indian Ocean and the southern regions of Bay of Bengal, there may be low pressure by 25th of April. In the following 48 hours, this will convert into a depression and it may continue to mgrate towards coastal regions of Tamil Nadu and finally at east coast of Sri Lanka. In regions of Puducherry, thunderstorms and lightning are also likely.
There were thunderstorms observed at Kancheepuram and Thiruvallur districts. Temperature fall without rainfall was the state in Chennai city. There were thundershowers at Kanyakumari, Nilgiris, and Salem. In Kancheepuram, there was 2cm recorded rainfall.
Cause of rainfall – convective activity has resulted in rainfall. This is a general state that succeeds severe period of heat.
There will be dry and hot weather in the following days, but sky would remain cloudy. The coastal areas of Tamil Nadu may receive rainfall on 29th and 30th April including Chennai city, say weather reports.