The total travel distance between Chennai and Shirdi is 1237 km. For those of you who do not know what Shiridi is, it is a small town in Maharashtra, the western part of our country. The place is commemorated for it was the home of Sai Baba, a revered spiritual head. It is a very popular pilgrimage site in India. There are a lot of devotees flocking to the site to visit the Sai Baba temple.
At the Samadhi Mandir shrine in Shirdi, there is a magnificent Sai Baby statue plus his tomb. There are also Dwarkama which is a mosque believed to have housed Sai Baba and there is Lendi garden.
Coming on to the ways in which one can travel from Chennai to Shirdi, below are a few ways to choose:
By train :
There is Shiridi Express with the train number 22601. Train travel from Chennai to Shirdi will be of 25 hours and 20 minutes. Train travel is the cheapest mode of transport between Chennai city and Shiridi.
Flight travel :
The first flight from Chennai leaves at 12:10 from Chennai Airport and arrives Shirdi Airport at 13:55 and the last flight from Chennai leaves at 12:10 from Chennai Airport and arrives Shirdi Airport at 13:55.
Approximate flight fare?
A direct flight from Chennai to Shirdi take approximately 01 Hours & 45 Minutes for the journey. The average flight fare vary between Chennai and Shirdi. If tickets are booked on time, a lot can be saved on flight fare. Rs 3971 is the lowest airfare for a flight from Chennai to Shirdi in next 30 days. There are 1 flights that fly on this route everyday. If booked online, well in advance, this airfare can be availed very conveniently.
As far as flight travel is concerned, you will have to travel for 6 hours plus 4 minutes. There are various airline flights available from Chennai to Pune and from Pune to Shirdi.
Bus journey :
Coming on to bus travel, it is to be noted that there is no straight bus to Shirdi as such. You may choose to reach Mumbai through airways or train. Following this, you may travel from Mumbai to Shirdi through the bus.
The best way to travel :
If you want to travel fast, the best way will be airways. Get your air tickets and reach Pune straight from Chennai. From there, you may easily visit Shani Signapur, Renuka Devi temple, etc.