India’s low cost carrier, AirAsia India today announced its network expansion plans by adding its first route to Kolkata, from Chennai. AirAsia India will now connect Chennai and Kolkata with one daily flight. AirAsia India currently operates 03 flights (02 to Bengaluru & 01 to Hyderabad respectively) from Chennai on a daily basis.
The launch fare for the new connection between Chennai and Kolkata is INR 3299. Bookings for the new route are open for sale as of 09:30 AM on 13 May 2019. Flights to the new route will commence on 01 June 2019. With the introduction of the Chennai – Kolkata route to its network, AirAsia India is truly keeping up with its mission of making everyone fly.
Speaking about the development, Mr. Sanjay Kumar, COO, AirAsia India, said “We are strengthening our connectivity in the south with the addition of this new route between Chennai and Kolkata. We look forward to adding more routes from Chennai in the near future.”
Effective 01 June 2019, AirAsia India will operate daily flights to the new route mentioned below:
Flight No
Station From
Departure Time
Station To
Arrival Time
i5 541
i5 542
AirAsia India currently has a fleet of 20 aircraft covering 19 interesting destinations across the country. For more updates on AirAsia’s latest innovations, as well as promotions, activities and contests, connect via Twitter ( or Facebook (