Tamil Nadu Open University established in the year 2002, is an Indian institution for open and distance learning. In the year 2015, TNOU was recognised by the University Grants Commission or UGC is known. The latest news is Mr. K. Parthasarathy has been appointed as vice-chancellor of this TNOU for a period of 3 years with effect from his date of assumption of office. It must be noted that Governor Banwarilal Purohit has appointed Mr. Parythasarathy now.
The information collected is Mr. K. Parthasarathy had specialised in the field of androgogy which refers to the principles as well as methods used in adult education. He has served as a professor of highly famous Bharathidasan University for a period of 22 years. It is superb to mention here that Mr. Parthasarathy served in various capacities like head of department, dean of faculty. In addition to these he made his presence felt as a founder director of Institute of Entrepreneurship and Career Development (IECD) at the university.
In the past Mr. Parthasarathy was a member in the academic council, on the planning board of Bharathidasan University etc. The information is he has also been a member in the board of studies of Annamalai University, Bharathiyar University and University of Madras etc.
The amazing piece of news about Mr. K. Parthasarathy that has come out is as a teacher he was involved in the introduction of as many as 117 new courses and formulation of innovative academic programmes like rural technology and trouble shooting and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipments. According to a release it is clear that Mr. Parthasarathy guided as many as 17 PhD research scholars and has 24 research papers and 8 books to his credit. These above mentioned facts have shown his superb experience in areas of promoting research activities.