The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has announced on Friday, 14th June regarding the Group-4 written examination for filling up the 6491 vacant posts in the various departments of the Tamil Nadu State Government.
The maximum number of vacancy is for the posts for Junior Assistants – 2688. There are 1901 vacant posts for typists. There are 397 vacancies for the pots of Village Administration Officer (VAO).
The posts of Junior Assistants, Village Administration Officers, typists and others come under the Group-4 category. As and when details are received about the vacancies for these posts, TNPSC conducts the written examination every year.
Accordingly, TNPSC has now released the schedule of Group-4 examinations for this year 2019. Applications may be submitted online from 14th June (Friday, yesterday) on the official TNPSC website.
Total Vacancies :
As per the data received from the various state government departments, TNPSC has announced 6491 vacancies. The vacancies include 307 for the posts of Village Administration Officer, 2688 Junior Assistants (without any bonds), 104 Junior Assistants (with bonds), 34 tax Collectors, 509 Land Surveyors, 74 Draughtsman, 1901 typists, 784 shorthand/typists for a total of 6491 vacancies.
Interested candidates may apply online on the official TNPSC website from yesterday (Friday, 14th June). The last date for applying is 14th July.
The last date for payment of application fee is 16th July.
The written test is scheduled to be conducted on 1st September from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM. The application fee is Rs. 100.
The candidates who have not registered with TNPSC need to register fresh by paying Rs.150.
Group-4 is conducted as a single question paper test. 20 questions will be asked from General Tamil and English, General Knowledge, and other subjects.
The duration of the examination is 3 hours. It carries a total of 300 marks. To qualify, the candidates will have to obtain the minimum marks of 90!
Do not indulge with middlemen or brokers :
TNPSC has announced that this Group-4 examination is conducted exclusively only on the basis of qualifications and skills of the applicants. In this regard, a warning is mentioned: ‘All examinations conducted by TNPSC are entirely based on the qualifications/skills of the applicants. So, please do not indulge with any group of person/persons approaching to promise getting this government job! If the candidates indulge in such activities and incur losers, TNPSC will in no way be responsible! Only the candididates will need to undergo this ordeal.
And do not blame either the website or the public service centres for the errors while registering applications.
TNPSC has strongly recommended that the applicants should check 100% thoroughly before sending the applications.
Clarification of doubts :
Candidates seeking any clarification of doubts can approach TNPSC. The contact details for this purpose were released on Friday, 14th June by TNPSC.
In case the applicants could not manage to submit the applications before the stipulated time, TNPSC will not be deemed responsible!
Applicants seeking clarifications can call 1800-425-1002 OR 044-2533 2855 OR 044-2533 2833.