The celebrated hero of the evergreen classic movie ‘Titanic’, Leonardo Di Caprio has registered in his Instagram Page that only rain can save Chennai.
He has registered his observation after listening to the BBC News regarding the drought and severely acute water shortage condition in the Chennai Metro City.
Leonardo Di Caprio is one of the most hugely popular actors having acted in some of the classic movies such as Titanic and The Revenant. He has also won the Best Actor Oscar prize.
BBC had presented the present water crisis in the Chennai Metro City along with some photos. As he saw/read the news, the actor registered his grief in his Instagram Page. His observation:
"Only rain can save Chennai from this situation." A well completely empty, and a city without water. The southern Indian city of Chennai is in crisis, after the four main water reservoirs ran completely dry. The acute water shortage has forced the city to scramble for urgent solutions and residents have to stand in line for hours to get water from government tanks. As the water levels depleted, hotels and restaurants started to shut down temporarily, and the air con was turned off in the city`s metro. Officials in the city continue to try and find alternative sources of water - but the community continue to pray for rain. Tap the link in our bio to read more about Chennai`s water crisis.