There are 23 government medical colleges for the MBBS medical and course and 1 dentistry college (for BDS) in Tamil Nadu. There are 13 private medical colleges for MBBS .18 private colleges for BDS course.
There a total of 4820 seats available for MBBS courses and 223 seats for BDS course putting all above together. These will be filled up through the state government quota.
In this scenario, the Tamil Nadu State Government Health Minister Vijayabhaskar released the rank/merit list for the counselling to join medical courses day-before-yesterday (Saturday, 6th July).
Further, the rank/merit list has been uploaded on the website:
With this status, the counselling is all set to start today (Monday, 8th July) and will continue for another 10 days.
The counselling for the special category candidates is scheduled today. The counselling for the general category is scheduled to start tomorrow (Tuesday, 9th July).