There are many engineering colleges in the state of Tamil Nadu. Students come from other states also to study in these colleges. The sensational piece of information that has emerged out is because of few takers as many as 126 engineering colleges in TN have closed as many as 225 engineering courses in the last 2 years of time. Point to be noted here is this downside would affect the quality of teaching and engineering research. This was according to some experts.
For the academic year 2019-20, 79 engineering colleges and deemed universities of TN closed 133 PG courses and 66 UG courses due to lack of students. This was as per AICTE data. Various PG courses that were closed are software engineering, product design and development, applied electronics, VLSI Design, computer aided design and embedded systems and technologies. It has been mentioned by the principals of engineering colleges that in the last few years there were no admissions to the PG courses.
A principal belonging to a Chennai based engineering college spoke his heart out. He explained about how against a total strength of 18 some departments get just one or two students. He then hinted about the difficulties associated with running the courses if the student strength was less than 15.
Principal of Chennai based Valliammai Engineering College, Mr. B. Chidambara Rajan, spoke about how a colleges requires atleast 3 faculty members to run a PG programme. He threw light on how due to the relaxation of teacher-faculty ratio there were no jobs for PG graduates in the engineering colleges. He commented about the companies that were not hiring PG students due to their over qualification. In the last few years, the PG admissions have been brought down due to fewer job opportunities.
It is shocking to mention that highly popular Sri Sivasubramanya Nadar College of Engineering or SSN College of Engineering closed down PG courses this year and same is the case with Rajalakshmi College of Engineering.
Important information is deemed universities like VIT has closed down 7 PG and 2 UG courses, Sathyabhama Institute of Science and Technology have closed down 7 PG courses. Virudhunagar district based Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education has closed as many as 9 PG courses in this 2019 alone.
It must not be forgotten that in the previous academic year 2018-19, 47 engineering colleges closed 92 PG and 42 UG courses. As per the vice-chancellor of Anna University or AU, Mr. Surappa , it is very clear that even in AU campus the PG seats have not been filled up and constituency colleges have too many vacancies. He finally spoke about the need to have proper manpower planning for PG graduates in terms of requirement in various industries.