Kumari Palany & Co

Job openings for engineers (B.E./B. Tech./Diploma) in Railways

Posted on: 25/Jul/2019 11:17:40 AM
Applications are invited from qualified engineers (Degree or diploma holders) for the vacant 5 posts of engineers to be filled by Indian Railways.

Post: JR Technical Associate (Electrical)

Vacancies: 05

Monthly Salary: Rs. 25000 – Rs. 30000

Age limit: 
The candidates under the general category must be under the age of 33 years. Candidates belonging to SC/ST must be under the age of 38 years.

Candidates must be either graduates or Diploma Holders in Engineering in the faculties of Electrical, Mechanical, or Electronics.

Selection Process: 
Candidates will be selected based on the marks obtained in their educational qualification in the relevant faculty and their experience.

Application Fee: 
The application fee for the open community or general cadre is Rs. 500. For SC/ST, OBC and women candidates, it is Rs. 250. The fee must be paid as a DD (Demand Draft) in the name of "Sr.DFM/SUR".

Applying procedure: 

Visit the website: www.cr.indianrailways.gov.in

Apply online. Take a printout, sign on the given space, attach copies of the certificates/documents required, and the DD for the application fee and send by post.

The address to send the filled application forms:
Central Railway,
Divisional Railway Manager`s Officer
Solapur - 413 001.

The last date for the receipt of online application: 14th August 2019

The last date for applying online: 5th August 2019