The residents belonging to Chennai city who use MRTS to reach their places of destination would be delighted by this news. Information collected is in another 9 months of time EMU trains on MRTS or Mass Rapid Transit System section would run beyond Velachery till Adambakkam.
It should be taken into account that this 2.5 km Velachery- St Thomas Mount stretch is pending completion because of land acquisition issues over the last 500 m between Adambakkam and St Thomas Mount. It was decided by the authorities of the southern railways that instead of waiting indefinitely for the land acquisition to complete the link up to Mount, it would run train services to the stations that were completed. Point is track has been laid from Velachery to next 2 stations Puzhuthivakkam and Adambakkam.
According to a senior official of a construction wing of southern railways, the station buildings were erected. The important work of laying OHC or overhead electric lines that supply power for running the EMU rakes and constructing the platforms were pending. It must be noted that the traffic diversions at the Adambakkam station was another work that needs to be completed and it has been delayed due to ongoing work at the station.
Information gathered is about a month back general manager Mr. Rahul Jain raised a query with the division in a meeting with Chennai divisional railway manager and the construction wing. It was mentioned by a senior official that one train service would run from Velachery to Adambakkam on a single line and turn back on the same line and run towards Velachery.
Recalling about the earlier phases of MRTS construction, an official explained about how the train services were operated from Beach to Thiruvanmiyur when the work up to Velachery was not completed. It is well known that bus services to places such as Thillai Ganga Nagar, Nanganallur, Madipakkam, Ram Nagar, Vanuvampet and Sathasivam Nagar were limited. It is now said that trains going beyond Velachery till Adambakkam would bring huge relief to the residents of above mentioned places.
Many government offices, private forms and courts are present in places like Mylapore, Chepauk, Fort and Beach. People travelling to these places for their work would get direct link by MRTS services and these places would become easily accessible. To reach the northern parts of Chennai, the residents belonging to places like Nanganallur, Madipakkam etc take a bus to St Thomas Mount station on the Tambaram-Chennai Beach line is known. To provide connectivity to the rapid developing areas of southern Chennai with the core city, the Velachery- Mount link was envisaged.
It is worthy to mention that Mount has been planned as multi modal hub with Chennai metro, MRTS and Tambaram-Beach suburban line converging there.