The rain that began in the month of June in the Chennai city has been continuing now in July also. This has brought some relief to the Chennai residents from unbearable heat. It is now said that these rains did not make any impact in the water levels in the major reservoirs.
As per an official belonging to the metro water department it is very clear that there has been no appreciable increase in the storage in the reservoirs. He added that these rains were expected to create increase in the groundwater levels in Chennai. He revealed that a study has been taken up and it would be completed in another 2 days of time.
On Thursday, Poondi received 11 mm of rainfall. It must be noted that the water level in the Poondi reservoir remains 117.75 feet with storage of just 16 mcft. On the same day last year in 2018, the storage was 64 mcft. Information is Cholavaram received 7 mm of rainfall but its level is just 46.64 feet which is dead storage. It is important to note that on Thursday Red Hills received 7 mm of rains and the level stands at 29 feet. Last year, the storage was at 64 mcft. Chembarambakkam area received 11 mm rains but the level in the Chembarambakkm reservoir remained 61 feet.
An official spoke about how due to rainfall the tanker lorry supply of water was reduced. He added that the rise in the water table would improve conditions. Chennai city continues to rely on the water from desalination plants, Veeranam Lake and agricultural wells. It was brought out by an official that Chennai continues to get a supply of 525 mld.
It is important to mention that the water supplied to Chennai from Nemmeli desalination plant is 180 mld. Others like Veeranam Lake and Paravanar well fields supply 180 mld. In addition to these, Chennai city gets 8 mld water from Retteri, 10 mld from quarries in Erumaiyur, 110 mld from agriculture wells in Tiruvallur, Panchetty and Minjur. To supply 20 mld to Chennai city, metro water department relies on the groundwater in extended places like Madhavaram etc.