An announcement has been made regarding the recruitment for the posts of Data Entry Operators in the permanent Aadhar Service Centres set up by UIDAI - Unique Identification Authority of India Limited.
For the posts of Data Entry Operators, it is mandatory for the applicants to have passed the examination conducted by NSEIT Ltd authorized and approved by UIDAI.
The interested candidates who have passed 12th Standard (+2) have to
visit the website: and register.
The registration fee is Rs. 365. It is mandatory to pass this online examination.
The tests are being conducted on a regular and continuous basis. The candidates who are successful in passing this examination can send their personal data by email to the
email ID:
By completing this process, the successful candidates may be recruited by the outsourcing agents in the Aadhar Service Centres managed by ELCOT (Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu) and Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Company.