Chennai residents would have been familiar with the Elephant Gate Bridge and this is making hot news now. It is revealed that the demolition of this bridge would begin soon and GCC would spend an amount of Rs 26.45 crores for reconstructing east and west slopes of the bridge. This was as per a statement from the corporation.
Tangedco as well as southern railways would play their roles in the reconstruction of central part of the bridge. There would be an extension of 50 m to 150 m. It is said that both slopes at the 2 ends would be built by the corporation. The slope would be of 250 m length on the Pulianthope end and 180 m length on Waltax Road end. Information collected is the length of the bridge would be 580 m and the breadth would be 20 m.
Many more railway tracks could be accommodated under the bridge and the bridge is being expanded. The corporation commissioner of Chennai, Mr. G. Prakash made his presence felt on Tuesday by inspecting this bridge.
In the past, it was brought out that the bridge was neglected and it became a dump yard. The officials belonging to the corporation took action by clearing the garbage when the garbage was set on fire. Information is since then this bridge has been maintained properly with no more garbage issue. The demolition work of the tenements adjacent to bridge began just a week back. Point is the demolition of bridge would start once Tangedco shifts the railway lines beneath the bridge.