As per the officials belonging to the meteorological department it is revealed that Chennai city might experience light to moderate rains for the next 24 hours.
The information collected is the day is likely to remain sunny and because of the convective activity there might be rains in the evenings or in the nights. The sky is likely to be cloudy and light to moderate rains is likely to take place in some parts. Point is the maximum temperature is likely to be around 35 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is likely to be around 26 degrees Celsius.
It was later mentioned by some officials that in Tamil Nadu Devala located in the Nilgris district received 5 cm rains and other places like Anaikaranchatram, Nagapatinam and Valangaiman in Tiruvarur district also got 5 cm rains. This was for a period of 24 hours that ended at 8:30 am on Friday.
In the next few days of time districts such as Kanyakumari, Tanjavur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram and Sivaganga would have light to moderate rains. Weather blogger Mr. Pradeep John posted about the presence of intense storms in north Chennai on Thursday morning.
It was pointed out by an official belonging to the meteorological department that if the temperature was low in the day time then the chances of rain in the evenings are remote and rains would occur only due to the convective action. It must be noted that there is also the effect of south west monsoon that is bringing rains in Kerala and in Karnataka.