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The recipe for Nattu Sakkarai Puttu

Posted on: 04/Sep/2019 12:13:38 PM

Raw rice - 1 cup
Powdered unrefined sugar (Nattu Sakkarai) - 1 cup
Freshly grated coconut - 2 tbsp
Ghee - 3,4 tbsp
Cashew chopped - 1 tbsp
Cardamom powder - 1 tsp


1st - Making the Rice flour

- Wash & soak rice for 1 hour.
- Drain & dry on a cloth.
- Grind fine in the mixer & sieve fine.
- Dry roast it on a pan till the color changes.
- Cool & keep ready in a shallow vessel.

2nd - Preparing the base and the rest

- Heat 1 cup of water with a pinch each of salt & turmeric to tepid.
- Now add this water gradually to the roasted flour, stirring thoroughly.
- The mixing should be such that it will not turn into dough form, but it should be in the powdered form, wet enough for steaming.
- You should be able to hold it in your hands, but if you let it go, it will fall as powder.
- If the water becomes a little more, puttu will not be granular.
- If the water is less, it will choke the throat & be stiff!
- Roughly for 1 cup of roasted flour 5/8 – ¾ cup water will be correct, approximately.
- It is preferable to sieve this in a rava sieve, rubbing the flour nicely against the sieve for it to fall.
- The flour should be very soft to touch.

3rd - These are the subtle points which help in making soft puttu, successfully.

- Sprinkle very finely grated coconut & steam well for 10 minutes.
- If well steamed, it will not stick when you touch it.
- Spread it on a plate to cool, add 3 tbsp ghee & break it into granules.
- Mix cardamom powder.
- Heat 1 cup of water with Nattu Sakkarai till it dissolves.
- Strain & boil again.
- The correct consistency is a tsp syrup added to 2 tbsp of water should form a firm ball.
- Remove, add to the steamed powder little by little, stirring continuously. The entire powder & syrup should get completely mixed.
- Spread on a plate, rub well with clean hands to break into granules. I do this step in the Food Processor.
- Or, after cooling thoroughly give one run in the mixer for not more than 2,3 secs!
- Add cashews roasted in ghee.

Nattu Sakkarai Puttu is ready to serve!

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