The state government of Tamil Nadu has announced that a festive season bonus of 10% would be given to all the public sector employees.
The Chief Secretary of the state government finance department has released this order.
According to this order, all the Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ employees in the state government public sector undertakings will be given 8.33% bonus and 1.67$ ex-gratia amount at a total of 10% festive season bonus.
This amount will be disbursed before 30th September.
State government transport employees, TANGEDCO employees, Aavin employees, Tamil Nadu consumer good trading corporation employees, Poompuhar Ship employees, Government Tea Board employees and the state Government Rubber Corporation employees are eligible to get this bonus payment.
The Chief Secretary of the Tamil Nadu State Government department of Finance, S. Krishnan, has informed that the orders regarding this bonus will be released individually from the concerned departments.