Chennai city and TN have been awaiting NE monsoon to set in is known. At this juncture, the news that has come is by the third week of October northeast monsoon is likely to set in over the state of TN. Today, 11th October, Chennai city might get light rains. It is said that convective activity in some parts of Chennai would be bringing light rains till Saturday.
According to Mr. Puviarasan, director Area Cyclone Warning Centre, Chennai, it is clear that the interior places belonging to TN would have experienced more rains if the cyclonic circulation running over Comorin area to coastal AP across TN had remained above 1.5km. The meteorologists have mentioned that the SW monsoon might retreat in most parts of India in a week of time.
It is important to mention here that this is one of the most delayed withdraw of SW monsoon in the recent years. Prolonged SW monsoon in this year could have been due to strong Indian Ocean dipole (irregular oscillation of sea surface temperature). Point is NE monsoon might set in between 21st October and 24th October and coincide with a possible weather system over the Bay of Bengal. This was as per the NE monsoon outlook of weather blogging site Chennaiyil Oru Mazhaikalam.
It was pointed out by a famous weather blogger Mr. Srikanth that in this NE monsoon there might be 6 to 7 weather systems. He added that coastal places like Chennai have fair chance to get above average or excess rains.