Vijayadasami day is considered as an auspicious day in the state of Tamil Nadu. On this special day, many parents send their kids to the schools. It is now said that on the Vijayadasami day on 8th October 2019 at least 3000 students got enrolled in LKG, UKG and in class1 in many government schools belonging to TN.
It was pointed out by some officials that 750 students have joined government schools and 300 students have joined corporation schools. The information collected is all the teachers worked on Saraswathi pooja day on Monday and on Vijayadasami day on Tuesday. Many enrolment camps were set up in the state of TN. It is superb to note that the teachers have invited parents with betel leaves, coconut and flowers. Thamboolam or the trays made of brass or copper were also arranged and turmeric coated grains were poured on it.
It is brought out that the addition of the KG section to government schools has increased enrollment. In July, the total number of new admissions for the academic year 2019-20 was 1.65 lakhs and more than 1 lakh students joined classes 1 to 8. This year, more students got attracted to government schools because of the revamping of the syllabus and also due to the introduction of smart classrooms.