It has been informed that the future iPhone will have logos with glowing LEDs.
This information has been generated from the USA Patents and Seals Office with the patent applied by Apple in the year 2018.
The patent has been asked for under the category ‘electronic devices with adjustable decorations’.
Accordingly, the Logos on the back of the Apple iPhones will glow with LEDs. It has been designed that the LEDs to glow when there are incoming calls.
Henceforth, LEDs will glow with different colors for incoming calls and SMS. This idea of an LED logo is nothing new to Apple.
Apple had introduced the glowing LED Logo concept in MacBooks already.
Presently, it has been decided that future cell models will have LED logos.
In the future, the iPhones released in the next year will be designed as per the 5G technology and to have the fingerprints feels on the display.