In the past, for Deepavali, many Tamil films got released ahead before the festival in the theatres with huge expectations from the fans and others are well known. Film crazy fans would watch their favorite heroes on the big screens in the special morning shows and would pay a huge amount of money for the sake of the ticket. Times have changed now.
It is now revealed by the minister for information and broadcasting, Mr. Kadambur Raju, that permission was not given for any film releasing ahead of Deepavali to have special morning shows.
He explained about how permission would be given for the early morning shows only if the theatres do not charge excessively from the people for tickets (above the prices fixed by the government).
On Tuesday, the minister Mr. Kadambur Raju made his presence felt in Kovilpatti in TN. He spoke but how action would be taken against the theatres if they have early morning screenings without the permission of the government or charge exorbitant rates for tickets.
It must be noted that on Friday that is 2 days before Deepavali (27th October, Sunday) actor Vijay starrer ‘Bigil’ and actor Karthi starrer ‘Kaithi’ would get released. Normally, the shows in the theatres would begin by 4 am in the morning as many fans would be flocking the theatres.
Information is many theatre owners have approached the state government and have submitted a formal representation to the minister getting permission for early morning special screenings.
As per Mr. Tiruppur Subramaniam, a popular film distributor, few theatre owners met Mr. Kadambur Raju to get permission to have early morning shows. He added that theatres are ready to abide by the rules and not charge more than the amount mandated by the government. Mr. Subramaniam later concluded that favorable response is now awaited from the government.