The state government of Tamil Nadu has informed that crackers can be burnt on Deepavali only for 2 hours - from 6.00 AM to 7.00 AM and 7.00 PM to 8.00 PM.
Further, the public can burn only minimal sound-blasting crackers. Efforts can be made through the local welfare associations to combine and burst crackers in an open space.
It is better to avoid bursting crackers which make blasts for long periods, Also, bursting crackers may be avoided in areas where hospitals, religious places (temple, mosques, churches, etc.) and peaceful locations. Bursting crackers must be totally avoided near huts areas and areas where fire can be caught easily.
In a similar action, it has been announced in Puducherry also that crackers can be burst only for 2 hours (6-7 AM and 7-8 PM).