Kumari Palany & Co

Do you want strong teeth then get rid of these bad habits

Posted on: 24/Oct/2019 6:16:00 PM
Many vertebrates have a hard and calcified structure present in their jaws and this is called as teeth.

It is well known that teeth give structure to our face plus teeth also help us in grinding and processing of food. Most of us do not take care of our teeth. It must be taken into account that unhealthy teeth could give rise to many issues. Hence taking care of teeth is important. Information is human beings have four types of teeth namely incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

Our teeth could be healthy and strong if we could avoid these habits.

Avoid chewing ice:
Our teeth could get chipped or cracked if we chew ice. It is important to mention that chewing ice might irritate the soft tissue inside tooth. This could result in severe toothache in us. Please avoid this.

Avoid grinding our teeth:
We might have come across people grinding their teeth. It is said that stress and sleeping habits are responsible for the teeth grinding. To protect the teeth, it is advised to wear a mouth guard at the nights while sleeping.

Avoid opening things with teeth:
Many of us have got the habit of opening things with teeth. It is revealed that our teeth must not be used to open things because teeth might crack and chip when they are used to open.

Avoid smoking:
Many know that smoking is bad for the health but not many are aware of the fact that smoking is harmful to teeth also. It must be taken into account that most tobacco products stain the teeth and might lead to gum disease etc.

Avoid drinking:
It is brought out that consuming certain drinks like red wine etc might cause stains on the teeth. It is good to avoid drinks totally for both health as well as our teeth to be strong.