Kumari Palany & Co

Please dont eat these seeds as they are harmful to health

Posted on: 25/Oct/2019 3:25:20 PM
It is well known that seeds are small in size and they are a powerhouse of nutrients. When consumed daily, seeds could provide numerous health benefits for us. It must be noted that by consuming seeds we could get nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fibers, fats, etc.  

Not all seeds are good. There are also few seeds that are dangerous for our health and consuming these seeds might lead to many issues for us.

Please try to avoid the intake of these seeds.

Avoid intake of tomato seeds:

One of the important vegetable or fruit we consume frequently is a tomato. There are many small seeds present in tomato. It must be noted that by consuming tomato seeds we might get affected by kidney stones. The oxalate in the seeds forms stones inside us.

Avoid intake of apple seeds:

We all love eating apples and apples are the world’s most popular fruits. It is important to note that seeds of apples should not be consumed by us. The seeds have a poisonous compound amygdalin in them and the intake of excess seeds could lead to death. Point is amygdalin is classified as a cyanogenic glycoside. Hydrogen cyanide gets released when seeds of apples are chewed or digested and it could be fatal.

Avoid intake of apricot seeds:

Belonging to the family ‘Rosaceae’, apricot is a drupe fruit. It is revealed that the seeds of apricots resemble almonds. Avoid consuming seeds of apricot as they have cyanogenic compounds in them. It must be noted that the apricot kernel is the seed of the apricot and is known as a stone.

Avoid intake of raw kidney beans:

The raw kidney beans have a high concentration of the chemical phytohaemagglutinin in them. This could lead to RBC clumping together. By consuming raw kidney beans we might get issues like vomiting and diarrhea etc as they are not easily digestible. By boiling raw kidney beans, the toxins in them get destroyed.

Avoid consuming seeds of plums etc:

Sweet to taste, plums could be deep purple or reddish or greenish in color. The seeds of plums must not be consumed by us as they have cyanogenic compounds in them. Please be careful.