Tamil Nadu State Election Commission has informed that a new, 5-colored voting chit would be used in the coming local (rural) elections in the state of Tamil Nadu. 92771 polling booths are to be set up in the state.
The state election commission had already informed that the elections for the rural/local administrations in rural areas will be conducted using the voting machine in cities. Accordingly, the state election commission has released the announcement of how the local elections would be conducted. As per this, white or blue polling chits would be used for the election of village Panchayat members.
For the Village Panchayat President election, pink-colored voting chit would be used. For the election of the Panchayat Union member, green-colored voting chit would be used. Yellow-colored voting chit would be used for the election of the district Panchayat member.
Further, the procedure for printing the voting chit has also been released. Accordingly, the voter list registration number and the voter serial number will be entered on the left side of the voting chit. The signature of the voter will be made on the right side of the voting chit. The voting chit must be of 4-to5 inches width. Other requirements are also listed in detail.
The polling duration for the local election will be 10 hours. Accordingly, voting would be in progress on the day of the election from 7.00 AM to 5.00 PM.