The Greater Chennai Corporation officials informed that smart pillars equipped with camera, sensor, and speaker are being installed in several locations in the Chennai Metro City and this activity is in progress.
Great Chennai Corporation has been undertaking several projects at a cost of Rs. 1000 Crores under the ‘Smart City’ project.
Especially, the setting up of a central control room to monitor the progress on various city improvement projects with the facility to issue orders are being installed in the Ripon Building at a cost of Rs. 150 Crores.
Kerala State Electronics Corporation, a public sector undertaking of the Kerala State Government is executing this project. Under this project, smart pillars are being set up having an emergency button, disaster monitoring revolving camera, etc.
The emergency button is located in the lower part of the pillar. The public can press this emergency button in the event of any major disaster and other emergencies. This would immediately alert and trigger the central control room and then after monitoring through the CCTV camera, an assistance squad will be sent immediately to the location.
Apart from this, vehicle parking monitoring camera, 360 degrees revolving monitoring camera and speaker facility for the public announcement are all installed in the smart pillars. Any emergency announcement when required will be made to the public through the speakers.
Along with the above items, smart Wi-Fi facility and smart LED lamps are also installed in these smart pillars.
Apart from all above, sensors to measure the extent of rainfall and also monitor the natural happenings Thus, the amount of local fall will be recorded and monitored and the residents of the localities will be informed respectively.
With the nature-monitoring sensors, it would be possible to monitor the air quality. If the pollution level is more, this can be informed to the local public through the speakers.
These smart pillars are to be installed in locations such as Jeeva Park, Sivan Park, Besant Nagar Beach, Marina Beach, Usman Road, New Avadi Road, Wallaja Road, Kongu Reddy Subway, and Aranganathan subway.
The Chief Engineer of the Department of Special Projects Nandhakumar shared regarding this:
‘Under the Greater Chennai Corporation, a central integrated control room is being set up to monitor several factors such as the vehicle parking management.
Messages will be continuously received from various departments includiding the Police Department, Fire-fighting Department, Transport, climate/weather, disaster management system, and the Public Works Department. As such, with this information exchange from all the city management sectors, it would be possible to monitor various issues. A ‘trial run’ is expected to be conducted shortly.’