The Tamil Nadu State Pollution Control Board has announced that the crackers can be burst only for 1-hour during the celebration of the New Year Break.
The Supreme Court has given the approval to burst crackers for 2 hours on the day of Deepavali festival and 1-hour on Christmas and the New Year break.
As such, approval has been granted to burst crackers from 11.30 PM on 31st December to 12.30 AM on 1st January celebrating the dawn of the New Year.
The respective State Governments are vigilantly monitoring the regulations on cracker-bursting as per the Supreme Court Orders.
As such, cases were booked against those who burst crackers violating this rule.
In this scenario, the State Pollution Control Board shared regarding the time limits for bursting crackers:
The number of people bursting crackers on the dawn of New Year is relatively less. As it is the winter season, the air will get more polluted while bursting crackers. So, it is better to burst crackers only for the granted 1-hour. The public is strongly advised not to burst crackers during the other periods. So, the question has arisen whether complaints will be registered for any violations!’