Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) undertakes the responsibility to recruit all the vacant posts in the various departments and public sector undertakings function under the state government of Tamil Nadu.
There are different kinds of examinations conducted by TNPSC for the recruitments at various levels depending on the tasks /duties and these are categorised as Group-1, Group-2. Group-4, etc.
TNPSC releases the timetable for the examinations to be conducted throughout the year at the start of the New Year every year.
Accordingly, the various Group examinations schedule for the year 2020 has been released by TNPSC.
TNPSC keeps regular announcement of the dates of examinations, the details of the vacant posts, etc.
In order to facilitate the prospective candidates to prepare for the relevant examinations, TNPSC releases the time-table at the start of the year.
Here is the time-table for the examinations to be conducted in the year 2020: