In the states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Odisha, Karnataka, MP, Telangana etc a spicy dish is prepared and this is poha. It is also called as pohay and is made of processed flattened rice with chillies, onions, mustard seeds, curry leaves etc.
The advantage of this poha is it could be made very easily and it is low in fat and high in carbohydrates. This Poha is rich in carbohydrates, fibre content, iron, antioxidants and vitamins etc.
Various health benefits of poha intake are
Easily digestible:
Eating poha for breakfast would keep us feel full and it is easy to be digested. He issues like bloating etc would not be there. Poha is good for those who want to lose weight.
Provides energy:
For energy, healthy source of carbohydrates is important and poha is one such source. It must be taken into account that poha has 76.9 % healthy carbohydrates and about 23 % fats.
Regulates blood sugar levels:
The release of sugar into bloodstream could be controlled by poha that is rich in fibres. It is said that any sudden spikes in the blood sugar would be prevented by intake of poha.
Prevents iron deficiency:
Poha is rich in iron and consuming it would prevent us from iron deficiency issue. By consuming poha for breakfast, both children as well as pregnant women could get many health benefits. To avoid gestational anaemia, the pregnant women are advised to eat poha.
Good pro-biotic food:
It is important to note that poha is a good pro-biotic food because of the fact that the flattened rice is made by parboiling paddy and drying out in the sun. Then the dried product is beaten flat and poha is made. Fermentation is carried out for retaining the microbial flora from the digested proteins and carbohydrates. By this, our gut health could get better.