Kumari Palany & Co

Smt. Subhulakshmi - May Her Soul Rest in Peace!

Posted on: 28/Feb/2020 4:05:23 PM
Dinamalar RR Gopaljee , Innovative is a well-known visionary who sparked a Newspaper revolution.

Yesterday, Thursday, 27th February, his mother, Smt. Subhulakshmi passed away.

RR Gopaljee  is a strong believer in Social Media Responsibility. His grandfather Shri. T.V. Ramasubbaiyer, a freedom fighter, was the founder of DINAMALAR, a National Tamil Daily, in the year 1951. His father Shri. R. Raghavan is the editor, publisher and partner of Dinamalar.

LIVECHENNAI Team records its deep condolences on this tragic occasion of for her demise.