In a sudden and outright step, the state government of Tamil Nadu has ordered that all applications for new power connections must be made only online henceforth!
A system of visiting TANGEDCO Office and applying for a new power connection was introduced during the year 2016.
With the application, the details of the applicant such as the date of application, serial number, etc., will be registered on the computer. So, unnecessary hardship for the public was prevented.
Power connections must be given within 30 days of the application. In case poles are to be erected, it will be within 60 days. In case transformers are to be installed, this will be 90 days.
Still, most of the public followed up with direct visits to TANGEDCO offices.
However, complaints were received in this regard that maloperations were practised in some TANGEDCO offices.
Subsequently, in the latest announcement released by TANGEDCO, it will be mandatory to Apply Only Online for New Power Connections!
This new procedure for applying only online for new power connection will be effective from 1st March.
Fill the applications, attaché the scanned document copies required and apply on the website: