Kumari Palany & Co

Indias first global hyper loop pod competition at IIT Madras

Posted on: 19/Mar/2020 10:19:00 AM
How many of us know what a hyper loop is?

It is worthy to note that hyper loop is a sealed tube or system of tubes through which a pod might travel free of air resistance. By this hyper loop, it is possible to transport people at high speeds from one place to another.

To make more people know about the benefits of hyper loop in India and to create awareness among people, Indian Institute of Technology or IIT Madras would be conducting a global hyper loop pod competition. This was according to a statement from IIT M. It would be a global competition and the final round would be held at IITM campus in the month of July 2020.

This competition would be called as Indian Hyper Loop Pod Competition’ and the main aim f this competition would be to encourage student teams in India and abroad for developing a Hyper loop Pod and compete to build the fastest, most innovative and efficient design and prototype of relevant technologies in the field.

In this fifth mode of transportation (Hyper loop), a high speed train travels in a near- vacuum tube. The capsule inside the tube could reach speeds of more than 1000 kmph due to the reduced air resistance. This could transport people or objects at high speeds while being efficient.  All the engineering colleges across the world would be able to take part in this upcoming competition. The engineering students could ideate, design and implement their views or ideas for the Hyper loop pods.