The face masks are in huge demand now in Chennai. To overcome the shortage of these face masks, there are many in the Chennai now who have been involved in the making of face masks at their homes. They take the help of You Tube and make face masks and they belong to the sewing group.
One such who is making face masks in her home is Kamala Murali owner of Kambli, a textile firm. She spoke about how for the last one month she has been making dozen face masks in a day and how these masks could be given to the patients, healthcare professionals plus others like sanitation workers, policemen etc belonging to Chennai. It is worthy to note that the face masks have been made using thick cotton.
Just a week back only, this making face masks work began after the sewing group received requests regarding face masks from doctors and hospitals. It was later revealed by Tina Katwal, The Square Inch, an arts and crafts shop in Tiruvanmiyur, 20 persons were involved in making masks as many would be need it.
She spoke about her group named Inchworm of 150 persons and how they all have used their skills to support community causes in the past also. Information is the group began making face masks after receiving requests from MMM or Madras Medical Mission.
According to Dr. Rajeevalocahana, nephrologist at MMM Chennai, 200 patients come every day for dialysis on shift basis and great care has been taken to protect these kidney affected persons from any infection.