For the purpose of protecting from virus and bacteria, our body produces a substance and this is mucous. Not only that our body produces mucous when we are sick but also produces lots of mucous even we are not sick. The mucous play its role by preventing certain parts of the body from drying out. It is known that mucous is produced in our mouth, nose and sinuses.
It is worth mentioning that excess mucous could lead t issues like running nose, nasal blocks, sore throat, sinus headache etc. It is believed that excess mucous might work as a breeding place for bacteria, virus, pathogen, germs etc. Therefore, excess mucous must be avoided.
There are few remedies in the homes that are effective in dealing excess mucous. These are
Sipping fenugreek tea:
One tablespoon of fenugreek seeds and boiled in water for 4 to 5 minutes and then it could e consumed as tea. It is said that fenugreek would act as expellant and our body would break down mucous easily.
By doing Pranayama:
This is also one important way that could be sued to overcome excess mucous. It is known as practise of breathe control. It must be noted that there are few types of pranayama that could break down excess mucous and expel it.
By gargling with salt water:
It is used to cure sore throat and cough is known. In addition to these, salt water gargling could also expel excess mucous from the body.
By steam inhalation:
This process is used for treating nasal congestion and even to break excess mucous. Firstly, a large bowl is taken and to that is added boiled water. Then, we must lean over with our face directly above water. Our head must be covered with towel and we must breathe through nose. Nasal congestion gets cleared.