There are hand wash systems present now that are either hand operated or pedalled and these have been used to by the people to prevent spreading of Covid-19 infection from one to another.
The need of the hour is to have a touch free hand wash system so that the people would be able to avoid getting the infection through surface touching. Hence, this new fully automatic touch free hand wash system was developed by some scientists belonging to Indian Council for Agriculture Research (ICAR) and Central institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), regional centre in Coimbatore.
As per Mr. T. Senthil Kumar, principal scientist at ICAR-CIAE, the prototype of the instrument was developed after doing research for 15 days. This fully automated touch free hand washing system could be installed in places like hospitals, offices, malls, markets, railway stations, industries and in other crowd gathering places to encourage people towards hand washing.
This latest touch free hand wash system is based on simple mechanism and water shortage could be lowered by the presence of sensors.
It was later brought out by the scientist that when the hands are near the sensor then it would trigger discharge of 5 ml of liquid soap through dispenser. To wash off the soap, water would come through another sensor based outlet.