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For controlling spread of Corona virus, area focused plan devised by GCC

Posted on: 16/May/2020 9:25:20 AM
In the zones where large number of Corona virus positive cases were reported, GCC has devised an area focused plan to control the spread of infection.

The special officer for Covid-19 control in Chennai, Mr. J. Radhakrishnan mentioned that in as many as 10 localities in Royapuram zone in Chennai, area wise plan has been implemented. Streets that were narrow were identified and measures were taken to shift vulnerable people to community halls

He highlighted that streets and houses have been disinfected and how this has helped to control the spread of Corona virus. For Kodambakkam and for Valasarawakkam zones, plan has been devised. Important piece of information is till Friday 971 Corona virus positive cases have been reported from the Royapuram zone and 895 cases from Kodambakkam zones.

Mr. Radhakrishnan later revealed that 88 Corona virus positive cases were reported in the past from Triplicane based V.R. Pillai Street but none in the last 8 days. This was mainly due to the control of the infection by area based plan. He appreciated the cooperation from the residents belonging to the place and said the virus could be controlled if the residents wear face masks and wash hands.

It is worthy to note that the civic body has already identified 2000 densely populated vulnerable slum areas and slum clearance board areas. The residents in these areas were explained about the importance of wearing face masks.    

It was brought out by the Chennai Corporation commissioner Mr. G. Prakash that relaxation has been provided in the containment areas. He mentioned that if one or two cases get reported from a particular street then the houses of the infected persons would be sealed hereafter. He added that if 5 above cases get reported then the entire street would b sealed. From 28 days the containment period has been reduced to just 14 days now is known.