Next time if you see a post man near your house, don’t be of the view that he has come to deliver the letters!!
Horticulture department would be joining hands with India Post and soon the postman would bring veggies and fruits that were booked online. Sound’s incredible isn’t it!!
This has been tried at Chitlapakkam successfully and it is now revealed that in a week of time this would be making its presence felt in a huge manner.
As per a senior official belonging to the horticulture department, there were many complaints about the government hired mini auto-rickshaws not delivering veggies and fruits to the customers. He added that the TN government had relaxed norms for the operation of the regular auto-rickshaws and it has now resulted in the decision of launching this initiative.
Information gathered is in the initial stages only vegetable parcels depending upon the operative area capacity of each post office would be delivered. Each parcel might have 7 kg of veggies and fruits. Point is the postal department would be able to deliver such parcels with ease due to the availability of vehicles plus experience.
The revenue of India Post has gone down now due to the lock down. This new initiative would increase the revenue of India Post. Moreover, the new initiative would also bring huge relief for many Chennai residents who have been finding it difficult to get vegetables and fruits in the lock down.
The official pointed out that though there were many complaints against the mini auto-rickshaws not operating properly but action was not taken. This issue would not be there again. The main advantage associated with the India Post is their prompt delivery of letters and parcels and this prompt delivery would be brought to light once again by this new initiative.