Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai roads witness heavy traffic on once again

Posted on: 19/May/2020 10:35:22 AM
It seems that normalcy is back now in the Chennai city roads!!

On Monday, first day of the extended lock down, the roads belonging to Chennai were full of vehicles and it caught the attention. The surprising piece of information is there were some incidents like rash driving jumping of red signals etc. Point is sheer volume of traffic gave the impression that the lock down has been lifted in Chennai.

Chennai city is still in the Corona virus hot spot and there has been no further relaxation of the norms. It is known that 50 percent of government staffs are allowed to work now. Throughout the day, there has been heavy traffic in the arterial roads like P.H. Road and Anna Salai etc.

Purasawalkam High Road was buzzing with people as the shops were opened there and many thronged the roads even late in the noon. There has been just 5 % increase in the traffic in Chennai city on Monday than the last few days and this was brought out by police personnel. 

Many shops functioned without the permission also. The opening of more number of shops plus the presence of many vans carrying migrant workers to railway stations on the roads gave the feeling of heavy traffic yesterday.