Kumari Palany & Co

For monitoring the Corona virus patients, a new device to be used

Posted on: 19/May/2020 10:41:27 AM
Chennai based Kauvery Hospital has been making news now for this reason.

It is now revealed that this hospital would be using Bluetooth based devices for the treatment of asymptomatic Corona virus persons. Bluetooth based pulse oxymeters and thermometer probe for the patients who have based advised home quarantine would be used by the hospital.

Dashboard and a separate central monitoring team with customised alarm have been created by Kauvery hospital for the patients as per their symptoms and co-morbidities. 

In case of any deviation from normalcy in the patient, the dashboard that has been linked to treating physician would get an alert signal. In the next step, the physician could contact the patient wither by means of phone call or by video call for the sake of management protocol.

The fear of social isolation and abandonment gets addressed by this technology and the spread of the diseases in the locality would be known.