Kumari Palany & Co

Prospects of international flights resumption after 30th June

Posted on: 26/Jun/2020 11:20:59 AM
Information is gathered that some of the international flight services maybe resume after the 2nd period of the lockdown imposition which ends on 30th June.

Due to the pressure exerted in this regard both by Air India and the USA to the Central Department of Civil Aviation, it is expected that the services of international flights may be resumed much earlier than the proposed time.

The United States of America has given the ultimatum warning as the last 30 days. The USA has warned that it can stop the current mission of Vande Bharath(bringing back the Indians stranded/leaving other countries)!

In the beginning, Air India was the only organization permitted for operating international flights. As no other flights from other countries including America are not allowed to fly to India, 2 sets of suffering people - Indians stranded in the USA, as well as the Americans stranded in India, took the Air India flights.

As per the latest information, 1,25,000 Indian has returned to India so far. Around 43,000 persons took off from India.

The permission to operate international flights is announced after 30th June.  Circles closer to the concerned government departments inform that as the 1st Phase of resumption of international flights, the flight services Delhi-New York and Mumbai-New York may be resumed.

Flight services to the Gulf countries may also be resumed after permission is given to the private airlines.