Kumari Palany & Co

Postal vote facility for 65-year-old voters: Election Commission of India

Posted on: 27/Jun/2020 12:58:59 PM
The election commission has revised the age for post votes from 80 to 65 years considering the rapid spread of coronavirus in the country. Earlier, this concession was allowed to the army soldiers, a government worker who works for the elections, specially challenged, and the people above the age of 80. Now, this age limit has been revised to 65.

This revision has been made based on the suggestion given by the medical experts that the COVID infections will last till the year-end for which the law ministry had carried out the changes on 19 July and released a Government Order today. Hence, to protect the aged people who are easily prone to infections, the age limit has been raised for post votes.

As per this amendment, the citizens who are quarantined, and those who are infected can also take part in elections through post votes. The people under this special category can file their votes by sending the voting slip 12d through the post.

The first state in the nation to face the elections amidst corona would be Bihar with the new amendments in force for the aged people.