The lockdown condition prevailing in the state of Tamil Nadu is set to conclude today (Sunday, 5th July) at 12.00 midnight. As such, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has announced that E-PASSES WILL NOT BE MANDATORY TO ATTEND DUTY IN THE RESPECTIVE OFFICES/ORGANISATIONS LOCATED WITHIN THE DISTRICT OF RESIDENCE.
Further, the state government has announced that those who have to travel to other districts for duty can use the E-pass already obtained.
In a notification released by the state government of Tamil Nadu regarding this, it is mentioned:
“The State Government of Tamil Nadu imposed 100% lockdown conditions from 19th June in the following areas: Chennai city - all the areas under the jurisdiction of the Chennai Metro Police, the areas under the jurisdiction of Chennai Metro Police in Thiruvallur District, The Thiruvallur city administration areas, Gummidipundi, Ponneri, and Minjur local administrations, Poonamallee, Ekkadu, and Cholavaram Panchayat administration, Chengalpattu local administration and Maraimalainagar local administration in Chengalpattu District, Nandhivaram, Guduvancherry local administrations, and all the local administrations in Kattankulathur and the union places local administrations, and all areas in Kanchipuram district, This 100% lockdown will be in imposition until 5th July.
The Information Technology organizations located in the above-mentioned areas, all private organizations, industries, and Export organizations can all function with 50% staff. For the other areas not mentioned above, except the already declared containment zones, all the Information Technology-related organizations, all private organizations, industries, and Export Organisations can function with 100% staff. This order has been released by the Tamil Nadu State Government Department of Revenue and Disaster Management No. 324 on 30th June 2020.
Further, employees attending daily duties in their respective organizations DO NOT NEED E-PASSES WHILE WORKING WITHIN THE DISTRICT. However, if the workplace is located in another district, E-PASS WILL BE MANDATORY.
In this situation, the employers of various organizations can use the E-pass already issued for travel from one district to another for attending duty.
As per the above, there is no need to obtain a fresh E-pass and other kinds of passes for travel from one district to another from 6th July. The State Government of Tamil Nadu has instructed that those who HAVE NOT OBTAINED E-PASS until now for travel from one district to another can apply for the same as per the procedure and obtain the same.