The State Government of Tamil Nadu has been undertaking several initiatives under the guidance of the Honourable Chief Minister to prevent and check the spread of the raging coronavirus pandemic.
Meanwhile, it is learnt that there are stronger prospects of an infection of the coronavirus for the senior citizens, diabetics, persons having high blood pressure, and persons with heart-related complaints.
In this situation, under the national vaccination Act, BCG vaccine is administered to the children over the last 50 years. It is established that this vaccination for the children enhances their innate immunity (body resistance to attack by various illnesses). It is also learnt by administering BCG vaccine to the senior citizens of the age group 60-95, there are definite prospects of a reduction in the Morbidity and Mortality Rates.
As per the above-mentioned and observations and giving due consideration to the fact THAT THE CURE FOR CORONAVIRUS INFECTION IS YET TO MADE, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has requested approval from the state government of Tamil Nadu to administer the BCG vaccine to the senior citizens and undertake research.
Accordingly, the Chief Minister of Tami Nadu agreed to this proposal immediately and ordered the same. Thus, the National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis, functioning under ICMR (Indian Council for Medical Research) is all set to undertake this trial shortly.
This trial of administering BCG vaccine to the senior citizens may serve as a great service by help reducing the intensity/impact of the coronavirus pandemic, reduce the need for admission in the hospitals, and also help prevent loss of precious lives.
The initiation of the above such activities by the Honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu will definitely intensify the coronavirus pandemic prevention efforts in the state protecting the citizens.