Kumari Palany & Co

Early symptoms of COVID very important and not to be ignored says doctors

Posted on: 10/Aug/2020 10:09:56 AM
Sometimes, we might get complacent when everything goes well!!

The doctors in Chennai have highlighted that the Coronavirus cases have been decreasing slowly in Chennai but warned the residents against complacency. 

There are still many persons who have been coming to the government hospitals complaining of severe hypoxia and respiratory issues etc. Medical help has been sought earlier now. This was according to some government doctors in the Coronavirus duty. Currently, the awareness about timely diagnosis of this infection is better than when compared to a few months back. There are few who ignore the early symptoms and delay seeking medical help.

If any person has got fever, cough, cold etc then the first thing to be checked and ruled out is Covid-19 infection. This was according to a senior doctor belonging to RGGGH Chennai.  It is crucial to seek medical advice at the earliest.

The senior doctor explained about how people must not delay due to stigma or fear of being discriminated etc. It is important to note that many still fear swab tests. For prompt treatment, it is necessary to detect the Covis-19 infection as early as possible. 

This would also pave the way for easy recovery. It is now revealed that RGGGH witnesses atleast 40% to 60% with hypoxia and respiratory issues etc. People usually come to the hospitals only 3 to 4 days after symptoms manifest.

It was brought to light by a physician belonging to another government medical college hospital that many patients with severe hypoxia come for treatment. Old age, underlying conditions like BP, diabetes etc plus late presentation mostly after 7 days of fever. 

He added that breaking the chain is very important and spoke about how people must not ignore the early symptoms. Fact is earlier the diagnosis of the infection better would be chances of survival.